Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The wheels of preschool justice turn slowly

I had my meeting with Cruella, aka: Chase's teacher and the principal of the school and we still have not come to a resolution as far as placing Chase into another classroom with another teacher. The principal acted as a mediator between Cruella and myself and I really felt like I came up on top. I think the principal was very unimpressed with Cruella's behavior during the meeting. Cruella wouldn't even make eye contact with me from the time she entered the room until we finished an hour later. She was extremely defensive of every point I brought up and came up with the most lame excuses I have ever heard. At one point when I was indicating that she would not help with getting Chase settled in the morning she denied ever even seeing a problem, then in the next sentence she said she never wanted to intervene because it would harm the "sanctity of the parent/child relationship"! I think even the principal had to bite her lip to try not to laugh! The principal told Cruella that herself and every other educator at that school would and should intervene in a situation like that and that it was her expectation moving forward that Cruella do that; nothing like getting reprimanded by your boss in front of a parent! The meeting went on to discuss Chase's increasingly impulsive behavior with the Principal's suggestion being made to bring in a behavioral specialist to observe Chase and see if we can get to the bottom of this. There were several other suggestions made by the principal, all of which I thought were good ideas. The principal indicated to Cruella that she needed to instigate these suggestions along with the referral to the behavior specialist immediately at which point I interjected and told them specifically that in no uncertain terms did I want Chase to remain in that classroom with Cruella, I had indicated that in the first meeting I had with her. I wanted him moved asap and thus there was no reason for the principal to direct Cruella to do anything. At that point the meeting was pretty much over and the principal indicated to me that I would hear from her by tomorrow afternoon as to what accommodations can be made to move Chase to another classroom. She asked if I wanted to add anything else and I brought up the day that Cruella told Chase that because he coughed on her, it made her sick and she had to go home and how I had to spend the entire weekend consoling Chase because he was so upset; Cruella flat out denied that ever happened! I told her that Chase in no way has the capacity to make anything like that up, he doesn't have the vocabulary or the knowledge for anything so ridiculous. She finally admitted to saying something to the effect to the entire class, but she didn't single Chase out; whatever!

I am just so over all this drama, as I'm sure you all are too!

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