Saturday, February 07, 2009

Cruella DeVille is going down!

I have reached the end of my rope with Chase's pre K teacher. I think this woman is certifiable! Chase has had a really hard time with the transition to his new pre K class and his teacher has done nothing to help facilitate it. She still does nothing when we get to her classroom, Chase is clinging to my leg or else he is completely "squirrelly" and all over the place and she just sits at her desk pretending not to notice, blasting her classical music. It just sets up the day for failure. He is being sent home with "behavior reports" daily, most of which have not been good. I know my child and know that he is capable of some of the things he has been reported doing; i.e. hitting, spitting, etc. But she is sending home "bad" reports for talking during rest time, throwing rocks on the playground (onto the ground, not at anyone), holding his crayon incorrectly, not sitting with his feet under the table at lunch, etc. Obviously, some of the reports are justified and hitting and spitting will not be tolerated, but the others??? Come on! Chase lives and dies by these reports and comes home so dejected when he gets a bad one, which is almost every day. And to try and talk to this woman is futile, she is completely unapproachable and very defiant when I do speak with her. The final straw was yesterday; when I picked Chase up from school, he told me his teacher had gone home sick, he proceeded to tell me in the car that Mrs. "C" told him that because he coughed on her, it made her sick and she had to go home! She is nuts! Chase may have gotten the wording mixed up, but the gist of the conversation was there; and Chase does not have the vocabulary to make that up on his own. I was so angry, I called the school and have an appointment with the principal on Monday morning to discuss transferring him to a different class. Stayed tuned to this soap opera: "As the Preschool Turns"!


Jane and Jim said...

I would be furious too. That's ridiculous.
When Cooper clings to me, screaming and crying in the morning, I'm so grateful that someone comes over and takes him from me and redirects his attention... they need to learn Preschool 101. It's a no-brainer. And to write a bad report for not putting your legs under the table, etc.???? I'd be P.I.S.S.E.D.

Rachael said...

Good luck with that. Sounds like way more weirdness than you should have to put up with.

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! that is ridiculous! Let us know how that turns out. When you get a minute, send me your home address.

AdoptaMama said...

Crazy. No child should be treated like that. I am having a really hard time with the ignoring first thing in the morning. What a great way to set the tone for the day. Yuck. I look forward to your update after your meeting.

Susan said...

She shouldn't be teaching and I say that as someone who taught Kinder and 1st for 10 years. I think she's purposely doing this b/c she doesn't want Chase in her room and would be thrilled if you put him in another room. And I say good riddance!! Chase needs someone who will encourage him to do his best and not nit pick him and tear him down which is clearly what she is doing.