Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Met with the Principal

I met with the principal of Chase's school yesterday and it went about as I expected. I outlined all of the issues we have had since starting there about 6 weeks ago and detailed some of the more ridiculous incidents. She listened and took lots of notes. She indicated to me that while she does believe that Mrs. C is a good teacher, she does have some issues with "warming up" to parents. I told her that perhaps if this was just a personality conflict between Chase's teacher and myself, that I could rise above the situation, but I really felt that her attitude was detrimental to Chase's issues and as a result Chase was acting out much more than usual. I told her I really wanted Chase to be moved to another class. Although I think it will happen (and I told her I wanted it to happen sooner than later), she wants to have a meeting with all three of us present; Chase's teacher, myself and the principal. I agreed to that and was told that Mrs. C would be in contact with me to set it up. Haven't heard from Cruella yet! I don't really think she could say or do anything at this point to make up for her behavior over the past 6 weeks, but I'm interested in seeing how she defends herself in front of the principal.

Susan, you are so right. I really don't think she wanted Chase (or any other kid for that matter) in her class. I also don't think this woman needs to be teaching preschool. She is so detached from the kids and I can't imagine wanting to be a teacher, yet not even connecting with them on such a basic level. I am in contact with Caroline's old Kinder teacher from Dallas (she became such a close family friend) and she indicated that teacher's are taught to physically guide and redirect the student's attention to something else if they are having a hard time in the morning separating from the parent. Chase's teacher refuses to do this, even though she sees us struggling every morning and like I said before, it just sets up the day for disaster.

So the drama continues until this next meeting. I keep y'all posted!


p.s. Thanks for all the feedback, it's nice to know that I'm not the crazy one! (at least this time)

1 comment:

Susan said...

I was hoping to pop in here tonight and find that Chase has a new teacher. I don't know what the point of the meeting is. Cruella's frozen heart is going to thaw out just b/c the three of you have a meeting. It's just the way she is.

Stick to your guns and insist that Chase be moved to a different room with a teacher that looks for the best in Chase rather than his faults. It's literally going to set the tone for the rest of his education.