Monday, October 22, 2007

My Family, by: Caroline

Caroline had to do a Kindergarten project this past week that involved doing a construction paper quilt square of her family. This is going to be displayed in the hallway of her school. It is hard to believe that just eight short weeks ago, that page would have been totally empty, not one family member to put on the paper; and today, we ran out of space there were so many pictures. We worked on it this weekend and although she did need some coaching from me, she did a lot of the work on her own. She picked the pictures she wanted in the square, she cut them out, I arranged them and she told me what to label them, she also glued all of them (she loves to use glue!). As a little added touch, I translated all her labels into Russian, I think that makes her very special and unique and I like for her to stand out, surely no other kindergartner will have Russian on theirs!

Here is how it turned out:

1 comment:

Becky and Keith said...

What a fun project! It sounds like she is adjusting so well to school which is great!