Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Just Hanging Out

Not too much is new in our "dom". Caroline and Chase both had dental appts. this morning and both did so well. No tantrums, meltdowns, fright or anything! Neither has any cavities, which I find unbelievable since they were eating candy like crazy when we were at the orphanage. Both kids were brushing their teeth when I got them, so that actually was a surprise as I really didn't think that Russia was that into oral hygiene! Although we did see lots of people who were really proud to show off their gold teeth!

Caroline is still loving school, her teacher says she is participating more and speaking English more as well. Caroline has her first field trip this Friday to the Dallas Arboretum, she will get to ride a school bus for the first time, she is so excited, I can't wait to hear how she did. Chase is picking up so much from what his sister does and says. Chase is going to be starting therapy for sensory integration disorder in a few weeks. What we finally figured out was that his bad behavior when we are out stems from sensory overload. Sights, sounds, smells that he has never experienced before just drive his little brain into overload and he reacts by pinching, biting and screaming. Needless to say it is not a real treat to take him anywhere so we are really counting on therapy helping so we are not prisoners in our own home. From what I have read, it seems that this therapy for SID is highly effective if begun early and is intensive.

Chase's 4th birthday is next week Friday, my nephew Chris is coming down and we will have a small party on Saturday with family and friends. This will be the first time Chase has ever celebrated his birthday, so we hope to make it special.

This weekend we took care of our neighbor's cats, Caroline loved the cats and is now begging for a "koska", not gonna happen! Here's a few pictures.


Rachael said...

Nice to hear an update from you. I've been wondering how you were settling in lately. Sounds like just fine.

Troy and Rachel said...

Sounds like everything is going okay and the field trip will be great fun for Caroline!!

kate said...

hope your SID therapy helps things. so glad Caroline continues to do well