Friday, May 04, 2007

Latest news:

Here is the latest statement regarding the impending accreditation:

"On Wednesday, April 25, 2007 the Hague Implementation Staff of U.S. Department of State issued an official notice confirming the news that "no U.S.-based adoption service providers are currently accredited with the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.” The following day, NCFA President and CEO, Thomas Atwood, along with NCFA staff Lee Allen and Chuck Johnson met with Alina Levitskaya, Director of the Department of Youth Policy, Upbringing, and Social Protection of Children of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science. Ms. Levitskaya was in Washington, DC to meet with senior staff within the U.S. Department of State to discuss the status of Russian intercountry adoption and the accreditation of U.S. agencies. Ms. Levitskaya told NCFA that her visit had been scheduled in response to recent publicly-stated concerns that the ongoing delays in re-accreditation process appeared to be aimed primarily at American agencies and that these delays were hurting children. During the meeting, Ms. Levitskaya offered explanation of reasons why the Russian government’s efforts to initiate adoption reform measures have taken much longer than anticipated. The NGO registration requirement and the Russian Ministry of Education and Science’s requirement to involve other Russian ministries in clarifying adoption procedures have presented huge challenges that, in Ms. Levitskaya’s opinion, appear to be near resolution. She confirmed receipt of the U.S. Department of State’s recent statement regarding the rights granted to Russian children adopted by American families – and thanked NCFA for acting as a liaison with the U.S. Department of State on this issue. Ms Levitskaya expects several agencies to receive renewal of their accreditation in the imminent future, as well as a steady processing of applications from other countries. Further, Ms. Levitskaya informed NCFA that, after clearing the backlog of pending accreditations, the Ministry of Education and Science will then explore the notion of accepting applications for accreditation by additional agencies."

I have no idea of their definition of "imminent" is; hopefully that means by the end of the month of May.



mommyto5 said...

Prayers you hear some good news soon,I'm in Texas too:)

Jeri said...


Keeping my fingers crossed that you hear some news on the accreditation, court date, return flight... Any news would be better than this crazy unknown that you are dealing with now.

Email me at work and let me know how things are.

Jeri @ ME