Monday, May 21, 2007

What to do?

What's a girl to do with all this time waiting? As you can see, I have made some minor changes to my blog. I've added some widgets (see the right side of the page), I've changed the colors and the format. I'm trying everything and anything to keep myself occupied by this most excruciating wait. The rooms are picture perfect, their closets are filling up, my yard is meticulously groomed, I'm learning and practicing my Russian phrases for adoptive parents. I am driving myself crazy checking my e-mail 50 times a day to see if there is any news about accreditation.

The latest from my agency's new case manager is that accreditation will happen the end of this month and we will be travelling in June for court; but I feel like I have been down this road and heard this soooo many times that is hard to even get hopeful, but if I don't have faith, then what is left? The only one thing I am certain of is that this adoption will happen, but we just don't know when. I may be pushing a walker across Siberia to get them, but they will come home eventually. I am just asking for continued prayers and good thoughts to get these kids home. I miss them so much.


1 comment:

mommyto5 said...

Prayers that accreditation happens asap so you can bring your precious children home!