Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Lunch at the bowling alley!

By this time, Gail and I are really hungry, all we've had is a power bar and hershey kisses and water. Tamarra suggests that we eat at the local bowling alley, that they have good pizza. Sounds good to us! She drops us off and escorts us to the restaurant, interprets to the waiter what we want: a salad, cheese and mushroom pizza and pepsi light. Okay, we don't think they can screw that up! Tamarra leaves and will come back to get us in an hour. They bring out the salads which consist of frozen tomatoes, frozen cucumbers and frozen brocolli, then comes the pizza, thin crust with an assortment of different mushrooms, the likes of which neither of us have ever seen! Needless to say, Gail and I are now on a diet whether we like it or not!

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