Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Thanks to all

Thank you so much for all your replies and e-mails. I am so overwhelmed by the support. I have done several of the suggestions already. I used craigslist before, and after weeding thru all the freaks and losers that responded I found our first babysitter who was great (unfortunately she only lasted two weeks). I did place another ad this past weekend and only got one reply and she wanted $2000.00/month which is outrageous! I also put in a call to my SW and she basically had the same suggestions that I am already using, but she is on the lookout for someone/anyone that might work out. And a big hello and thank you to Julie! I had no idea you were reading along on this journey, Stephanie just told me a little while back that you had move to KC, how are you doing? She said you have three boys now???!! That is amazing! I would love to see pictures; you can find my e-mail if you click on my profile. I did fill out the form on the link you sent me and just today, they sent me a list of centers that might work out in my area. Unfortunately, most of the ones listed are ones we have already been asked to leave! But there are a couple that may work out and I will be calling tomorrow.

So far this week, things are falling into place thanks to some awesome people I work with who have brokered out their own kids to do babysitting! Chase is still having some issues, but I think it's mostly due to all the transitions lately, most of which he brought on himself, but he doesn't recognize that as a four year old and I just have to deal with them. For now, we are okay, but everything could fall apart tomorrow and I just need to get a backup to a backup to a backup! Which isn't easy!

Thanks again, and if you all think of anything else we might try, keep the suggestions coming!



Rachael said...

I like the new summery look!

Glad you've found a contigency plan for the week. Hang in there: fingers crossed for Julie Andrews to show up.

Anonymous said...

Julie emailed me yesterday and told me she left you a comment and some suggestions for child care. I thanked her for her help because child care is so critical and yet so hard to find. If I only lived closer, I could be there for some support. You just have to remember all things work out in the end and soon you will find the right "formula" for making life work. Take care -

Becky and Keith said...

My fingers are crossed for you!! Thanks for mentioning Twinkle Twinkle! I'm going to need a new song soon.

Tanya said...

Hello my dear Jane!
My name is Tanya. I was your court interpreter in Biro, if you remember. How are you and your wonderful children? I'm in New York now and will stay until August 02 in the US. I am one of the adults who escorted orphans to the summer programm "Bridge of Hope". I would really like to hear you. My cell-phone here is 240-481-5131. I miss you much but unfortunately don't have your e-mail. Kiss Caroline and Chase for me, please.