Monday, November 26, 2007

Before and Now pictures

Here are the referral pictures that I receieved of "Katia and Pasha" and some recent pictures of "Caroline and Chase". It amazes me the diffence a year can make:

Referral picture August 2006

First meeting picture November 2006 (Katia would not smile the entire time we were there!) Now I can't get her to stop!

Second trip picture August 2007

Professional picture October 2007

And here's Chase:

Referral picture received August 2006

First trip picture November 2006

Second trip picture August 2007

Professional pictures October 2007


Troy and Rachel said...

What wonderful photos and what a differences some TLC can make. You have two beautiful children!

Rachael said...

LOVE the professional pictures. They're lovely.

Glad they are thriving with you!

Becky and Keith said...

What great pictures! And even more outstanding - what a difference in the two of them. They are obviously very much loved!

Susan said...

So sweet! The pictures are wonderful and its great to see how much they have blossomed in your home.