At this time last year, Gail and I were sightseeing in Moscow and getting ready to leave for Birobidzhan to meet Katya and Pasha. It's hard to believe that a year has passed and my children have been home for over two months now. I have to say that everyone says that you forget all the waiting that you did for your adoption, well not for me. I still vividly remember the agonizing wait for a courtdate, 8 1/2 months to be exact. I also remember what my life was like before kids, at times I really do miss it but I wouldn't trade what I have now for anything.
Caroline and Chase are doing really well and I can't believe how they have changed since we got home. Chase loves the dogs, Caroline still has a little ways to go, but we are all coexisting under one roof. Caroline loves school and is learning English at lightening speed. Academically she is behind the others in her class and I don't know if she will catch up before the end of the school year, I may hold her back and have her repeat Kindergarten next year as I would rather her get up to speed rather than constantly trying to catch up. Time will tell. She is very quiet in school (unlike home where she constantly talking) but the teachers say this is normal for an ESL student. All the children want to be her friend, but she is so quiet and will not interact with them very much, that's a little hard to watch, but hopefully with time it will change. She has grown 3/4 of an inch in the past 2 months. She is a real "girly girl"; her hair always has to be perfect with a bow that matches her outfit, she thinks nothing is better than getting new clothes and shoes, I think Caroline is up to 15 pairs on shoes! She loves her Mama and her brother and has been attaching beautifully. Caroline's favorite thing to do is dance! She loves when I play hip hop music and she'll dance around with her brother. I think I will try and find a dance class for her after the first of the year.
Chase has calmed down considerably since we are home. His evaluation at Baylor Children's House indicated that he is significantly developmentally delayed (at about a 22 month level) and that he has some Sensory Integration issues. He starts twice weekly OT therapy next week to try and get him up to speed. He is no longer a terror to take into a store or restaurant most of the time, the biting, pinching, hitting and kicking have all stopped, although he does still let out an occasional scream! He is still extremely active and it wouldn't surprise me if he is diagnosed with ADHD, but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. To let out some of that pent up energy, I enrolled him in gymnastics twice a week, he started about two weeks ago and loves it, he calls it "bouncy school". And the best news is that he has been accepted into preschool at the local Catholic school for two days a week! I am so excited for him, he starts next week. Chase and I spent about two hours with the principal, Sr. Bernarda, a few weeks ago and last week she called and said they would allow him into the preschool. I think I put the fear of God into him before our meeting, he was on his absolute best behaviour! Now my only fear is them kicking him out after he starts for being too disruptive, keep your fingers crossed that doesn't happen! Chase has grown 2 inches in two months! He is almost as tall as his sister. He still loves to eat although he is not hoarding anymore. We are still having issues with potty training, but hopefully that will come to an end soon. He also loves his Mama and his sister and truly has the kindest heart. He loves to help Mama with her chores around the house, loves to dance and listening to music is one of his favorite things to do.
Well that is our update! The kids and I are preparing to host Thanksgiving at our "dom", Caroline is learning all about the holiday at school, the other day, she asked when we were going to the store to "get our monkey"! She meant turkey! Too funny! I am so thankful for the blessings that I have in my life and these children are the best things that could have ever happened to me. What a great Thanksgiving this is going to be (beats eating special k bars like Gail and I did last year!)
Happy Thanksgiving to all
Love, Jane